Evelyn Arizpe
School of Education, University of Glasgow [Reino Unido]
IP del proyecto “Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the role of education, culture and learning in responding to crises” (British Academy)
Presidenta de la International Research Society for Children’s Literature (IRSCL)
Jurado para el Premio Hans C. Andersen 2022 (IBBY)
La Dra. Evelyn Arizpe es catedrática de la Universidad de Glasgow en la Escuela de Educación, donde coordina el magíster Erasmus Mundus “Children’s Literature, Media and Culture”. Su docencia e investigación intentan establecer puentes entre la literatura infantil y la educación, y ha enseñado y publicado ampliamente en ambos campos. Ha trabajado en una serie de estudios relacionados con lectura y respuestas lectoras, con niños y jóvenes en diversos contextos internacionales. Sus proyectos más recientes se focalizan en la migración, construcción de paz y la creación de espacios seguros a través de lectura de libro-álbum y prácticas artísticas. Coordina la Red de investigación “La literatura infantil en contextos críticos de desplazamiento”. Es investigadora principal del proyecto “Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the role of education, culture and learning in responding to crises” (British Academy) y coinvestigadora para el proyecto “Culture for Sustainable and Inclusive Peace” (CUSP) Network Plus (AHRC). Es presidenta de la International Research Society for Children’s Literature (IRSCL) y jurado para el Premio Hans C. Andersen 2022 (IBBY).
Algunas publicaciones
• Arizpe, E., Hirsu, L., McAdam, J.E. and Zárate, M. (2021). Estrategias de mediación cultural en emergencias: lectura y escritura como refugios simbólicos. Bogotá: Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe, Cerlalc-Unesco (en imprenta).
• Arizpe, E. and Styles, M. (2016) Children Reading Picturebooks. Nueva edición. Routledge: London.
• Arizpe, E., Colomer, T. y Martínez-Roldán, C. with Bagelman, C., Bellorín, B., Farrell, M., Fittipaldi, M., Grilli, G., Manresa, M., Margallo, A.M., McAdam, J., Real, N. y Terrusi, M. 2014. Visual Journeys through Wordless Narratives: An international inquiry with immigrant children and The Arrival. Bloomsbury Academic. *Premio Literacy Research Association (LRA) Edward B. Fry.
• Arizpe, E. y Styles, M. with Heath, S. B. (2006) Reading Lessons from the Eighteenth Century: Mothers, Children and Texts. Lichfield: Pied Piper Press.
Libros editados
• Arizpe, E. and Cliff-Hodges, G. (2018) (eds) Young people reading: Empirical research across international contexts. London: Routledge.
• Arizpe, E. and Smith, V. (eds) (2016) Children as Readers in Children’s Literature: The power of text and the importance of reading, London: Routledge.
• Arizpe, E., Farrell, M. y McAdam, J. (eds) (2013) Picturebooks: Beyond the borders of art, narrative and culture. London: Routledge.
Capítulos en libros (selección)
• Arizpe, E. (2018) Literatura infantil en contextos críticos de desplazamiento: El Programa “Leer con migrantes”. In Secretaría de Cultura (ed) Para leer en contextos adversos y otros espacios emergentes. Ciudad de México: Dirección General de Publicaciones, 23-64.
• Arizpe, E. and Guerrero, L. (2018) Reading Fears and Opportunities: Researching change over 25 years in the literacy practices of Mexican adolescents. In E. Arizpe and G. Cliff-Hodges (eds) Young people reading: Empirical research across international contexts. London: Routledge.
• Arizpe, E. and Ryan, S. (2018) The wordless picturebook: Challenging attitudes about literacy and language learning in multilingual contexts. In J. Bland (ed) Teaching English with Challenging Texts: Literature in Language Education with 8-18 Year Olds. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
• Arizpe, E. (2017) Picturebooks and situated readers: The intersections of text, image, culture and response. In M. Nikolajeva and C. Beauvais (eds) The Edinburgh Companion to Children’s Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
• Arizpe, E., Farrar, J. and McAdam, J. (2017) Picturebooks and Literacy Studies. In B. Kümmerling-Meibauer (ed) The Routledge Companion to Picturebooks. London: Routledge.
• Arizpe, E., McAdam, J. y Farrell, M. (2013) Opening the Classroom Door to Children’s Literature: A Review of Research. In K. Hall, T. Cremin, Comber, B. y Moll, L. (eds) International Handbook of Research on Children’s Literacy, Learning, and Culture. London: John Wiley & Sons pp 241-257.
• Arizpe, E. (2012) Entre imágenes y palabras: la investigación que promueve comunidades lectoras inclusivas y creativas, in T. Colomer & M. Fittipaldi (eds) La literatura que acoge: inmigración y lectura de álbumes. Barcelona: Banco del Libro – GRETEL y Fundación SM. pp 44-68
• Arizpe, E. y Blatt, J. (2011) How Responses to Picturebooks Reflect and Support the Emotional Development of Young Bilingual Children, in B. Kümmerling-Meibauer (ed) Emergent Literacy. Children’s Books from 0 to 3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Artículos en revistas académicas (selección)
• McAdam, J.E., Abou-Ghaida, S., Arizpe, E., Hirsu, L. and Motawy, Y. (2021) Children’s Literature in Critical Contexts of Displacement: Exploring the Value of Hope, Education Science.
• Coban, O., McAdam, J. E. and Arizpe, E. (2020) Hanging out in The Studio to challenge xenophobia: consolidating identities as community writers. Literacy, 54, (3), pp. 123-131.
• Hirsu, L., Arizpe, E. & McAdam, J. E. (2020). Cultural interventions through children’s literature and arts-based practices in times of disaster: A case study of reading mediators’ response to the Mexican earthquakes (September 2017). International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101797.
• Arizpe, E. (2019) Migrant Shoes and Forced Walking in Children’s Literature about Refugees: Material Testimony and Embodied Simulation, Migration Studies, https://doiorg.ezproxy.lib.gla.ac.uk/10.1093/migration/mnz047
• Arizpe, E. (2015). Libros, lectores y lectura en la literatura infantil y juvenil: Personajes analfabetas y “abyectos”. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 8(4), 9-23. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/jtl3.655
• Arizpe, E., Bagelman, C., Devlin, A. M., Farrell, M. y McAdam, J. (2014) Visualising Intercultural Literacy: Engaging critically with diversity and migration in the classroom through an image-based approach, Language and Intercultural Communication. Published online 15 May. DOI: 10.1080/14708477.2014.903056
• Arizpe, E. (2013). Meaning-making from Wordless (or Nearly Wordless) Picturebooks: What Educational Research Expects and What Readers Have to Say, Cambridge Journal of Education 43 (2). 163-176.
Sigue a Evelyn Arizpe
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Evelyn-Arizpe
Facebook: Evelyn Arizpe
Twitter: @EvelynArizpe